Scratch Pad

The Scratch Pad acts as a temporary container for blocks of text. The window hovers above the active document for easy access.

Scratch Pad

Text can be sent directly to the Scratch Pad from the active document by using the right click menu open "Send to Scratch Pad" as illustrated below.

Scratch Pad - Send to Scratch Pad

The Scratch Pad window may be edited by using the right click menu or the "Edit" button. This window supports the non-limited shortcut keys. The user will be prompted to save the contents of this window if text has been added or changed. The save function is available from the right click menu and the 'Edit" button.

Scratch Pad - Edit menu

The program automatically adds two carriage returns to the Scratch Pad window after each use of the "Send to Scratch Pad" function. This is done to help the user distinguish between the separate blocks of text residing in the window.